
Homemade Natural Toners for Dull and Dry Skin You Should Definitely Give a Try

Homemade Natural Toners for Dull and Dry Skin You Should Definitely Give a Try
Homemade Natural Toners for Dull and Dry Skin You Should Definitely Give a Try

If your skin is also dry this season, then make these excellent toner at home and restore skin moisture.

 Our face is our identity, so why not protect it. There are countless toners, cleansers, scrubs and face masks on the market. But on the one hand, their price is high and on the other hand, they themselves are full of innumerable chemicals. But it is also possible that you can make the same effective face toner and natural face cleaner from household items.

Here are some items in your kitchen that can be used to make your face fresh.

Tomato and cucumber toner

It's very easy to make. Put a small cucumber and a large tomato in a blender and make a paste. Store in a small transparent jar and refrigerate for three days.

When using, apply this paste gently on the face and neck with the help of cotton and try to absorb it in the skin. Then leave it on face and neck for five minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

The antioxidants in tomatoes have a great effect on the skin. Cucumber chemicals also make the skin smooth and beautiful.

Tomato Face Scrub

Cut the tomatoes into pieces. Sprinkle a small amount of sugar on it. Now place the tomato on the face in a circle and rotate it. Remember that tomatoes should not be rubbed too much otherwise it will have a negative effect on the skin. After a while, wash your face with lukewarm water. In this way, thanks to the antioxidants of tomatoes and tomatoes will provide the best skin scrub.

Egg and grape fee firm

Blend one egg and seven grapes in a blender. Grind them well so that the grape seed oil comes out. When ready, apply the face brush from the bottom to the top of the face. Wash your face after 15 minutes.

Grapes contain phytonutrients that protect the face from sun and sun exposure. They also contain vitamin C, which brightens the complexion and maintains its elasticity.

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