
Dental diseases Dental Health Problams

Dental diseases Dental Health Problams
Dental diseases Dental Health Problams


Dental diseases Dental Health Problams
Dental diseases Dental Health Problams

Dental Diseases (Dentistry)

Dystopic teeth.

There is another type of dental problem - a dystopic tooth, which is located incorrectly (from Greek dystopia - incorrect placement or lack of space) or rupture in the wrong place.

Dental enamel cut.

One of the most common dental lesions is tooth enamel cuts - the gradual and permanent destruction of the outer protective shell of the tooth.

Cervical tooth decay.

The first ganglion or cervical carriage of a tooth is diagnosed when the destruction of hard dental tissue affects a part of the tooth near the neck - a slight narrow transition to the root of the tooth crown, that is, to the very edge of the tooth. Near, and often below.

Distal cutting in children and adults.

Improper positioning of the upper and lower jaws with dental malformations is a common orthodontic problem, and the most common type of pathological occlusion is distal occlusion.

Mesial cutting

Unpleasant appearance and improper facial geometry can lead to many psychological and emotional problems. In this article we will talk about the cutting properties of mescaline.

Macroglossia in children and adults

A disproportionately large or unusually broad tongue - macroglossia, as a rule, is found in children and is considered a very rare controversy. Macroglossia is usually accompanied by a prolonged period of excruciating pain.

Deep bites in adults and children

A deep bite associated with improper closing of the teeth can lead to increased abrasion of the chewing, speaking, enamel coating. With some degree of such violation, treatment is necessary.


Pericoronitis - inflammation and infection of the soft tissue around a partially cut tooth - is often associated with an infected third permanent tooth.

Leukoplakia of the oral cavity and hairs of the tongue

Hair leukoplakia is in no way associated with hair growth on the surface of the skin, but it is a disease of the mucous membranes in which the pathological area is covered by the Fulform White Valley, which is visible only after histological examination.

Treatment of tooth decay: basic methods

Deep caries do not occur all of a sudden, but are the result of neglecting tooth decay, visible in the enamel, forming a hollow, and starting from the depths in its hard layers.

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January 05, 2022 at 05:43PM
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January 05, 2022 at 05:43PM

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