
How To Start a Blog In 2022 _Easy Guide For Biggners


How To Start a Blog In 2022 _Easy Guide For Biggners
How To Start a Blog In 2022 _Easy Guide For Biggners
How To Start a Blog In 2022 _Easy Guide For Biggners

Nowadays everyone has a blog and there should be absolutely one in business. Any business that stays in touch with their client should also maintain good relationships through social media.  Using a blog to keep your client up to date will ensure success. But if you are obsessed with how to get started, here are 6 tips to get you started creating a blog.

1. Set the tone

What is the focus of your blog? Posting about upcoming events, staff changes, store starts / closures (if applicable), and anything else that might affect your client may be helpful. At the same time, you might want to consider writing letters that fit your business space. If you are at home capping, talking about the latest green products and even if you use them, your client may have a conversation. Whatever you choose to do, stick to your tone so that your client knows what you can expect.

2. It's all in the name

Consider the name of your blog. You want something simple and easy to remember, but also about your business. Write down several options and check to make sure your domain name exists. Speaking of which, a. com. Everyone can remember. Even if you choose to use the free blog site, point it to .com. 

3. Review web hosting

Once your domain is purchased, take a look around the various web hosting sites. There are tons of them, so check out the reviews. When you want something cheap, consider what you get when you are not giving anything. Be realistic with your budget and expectations. Free blog sites are easy to come by, but you will be limited by the size of your site. Highly recommended for both WordPress hosted (WordPress.r) and free ( sites because it is easy to work with.

eye. Open your eyes

Your blog is part of your ad. So make sure you use your logo and color schemes on your blog. The more people recognize your brand,  When creating your blog, consider the flow of things. A busy and busy page scattered with lots of ads and images can stop your readers. You want things to be smooth and long in the eyes. Avoid videos that automatically play when landing on your blog. This is one of the biggest complaints about blogs and people will not want to see you again.

5. Create a calendar

Be realistic about how many times you can post on your blog. You're already running a business and you don't want your blog to become another full-time business. WordPress gives you the ability to plan your posts when you choose. It can make your blogging easier. Start by thinking about how many times you want the posts to stay straight. ? Can you write and schedule all 5 posts in one day? Or will you post once a week or every other day? It can be even easier if you write letters to some of your staff. So that you can still carry out your day-to-day duties. Whatever you plan to do, keep a calendar of topics in hand, and schedule them for timely events such as vacations and other promotions.

6. Finding the middle ground

The length of your posts is very important. Too short and you lose engagement with your client. Too long and your client gets bored and loses interest. Ideally, letters should be anywhere from 800-2000 words so that you are interested in your client. Sometimes a short 500 word post is fine if you do not want to share so much information (ie: vacation schedule for your business).

Keep your posts eye-catching and easy to keep out. All readers really skim before reading your post. If you have a long wall of text, most readers will pass out when they are overwhelmed by the content. Using bullet points and subheaders will give them an idea of ​​what they are reading.

Bonus: Sharing is important

Taking note of your post is incredibly important. Once a post is live, it should be shared on all your social media networks. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, StumbleUpon, and even Reddit are very helpful in refining this word. Be sure to include social sharing buttons on each of your posts so that readers can share your posts on their favorite platforms. Don't be limited to one or two share options. Your readers' favorites and you never know what anonymous sharing options might be.

Take a few weeks to prepare worthwhile content before launching your blog. That way, if something happens to prevent you from creating additional posts, you won't be left with anything to do. Install Analytics to keep track of how well your audience is responding so you can adjust your strategy as needed.

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